Europort – Marriott Courtyard technology upgrade

Europort – Marriott Courtyard technology upgrade


As the building systems were ageing and several components (including BMS) were at their end-of-life phase the hotel maintenance team were concerned with the lack of spare parts and service support from the original manufacturer.

Furthermore, the operator was receiving conflicting reports regarding the issues in the building and was therefore searching for a clear and qualified opinion from a neutral party.

Our team provided an overview of the recommended steps following a “health-check” inspection of the equipment and meetings with the on-site facility team.


  • Evaluate BMS status (components at end-of-life etc)
  • Evaluate HVAC system (performance/efficiency)
  • Evaluate room access/management system (RMS)
  • Evaluate the integration of 3rd party systems (sensors, CCTV, elevators, energy meters, EMS etc.)
  • Evaluate the energy savings potential
  • Submit a “Technology Report” document (conclusion)
  • Create a detailed project plan (phased approach)
  • Technical design of upgrade (HVAC, BMS, room control)
  • Prepare tender documentation
  • Manage tender/procurement
  • Supervise installation/commissioning